This is the strategy I have been following of late in all the things I do.


Find out what is the smallest unit of work you can do in something. Ideally this should just be a couple of minutes when you are beginning. This can increase as you become more comfortable doing something. The idea is to break the initial inertia of rest. Most things in life are flywheels but the funny part is most of us don't even get started on the goals we have or the impactful things we want to do in life.

So the goal is to find the smallest unit of work which is very easy to do. And do it right away.


Every time you hear yourself saying "I will do this after", pause and reflect. Why do you want to delay. Why not to something Small Small, Early, Often, During#^cb607e right away?

Start early. There are very few good and worthy things in life which you would regret if you had started early in whatever capacity you can. Regret Reduction

getting started


Increasing the frequency of high value tasks is one thing that generally helps because you can revisit the priority, see how things are going and calibrate if required. Breaking down things smaller chunks also helps you do things more frequently and more often so that you don't loose the continuity, you see more connections and you can try to increase the Return on investments by using this smaller chunks of activity and learning in other places.

Setting up your workflow for this is very important. Just to give you an example I had shared this link as a placeholder with couple of friends in my Trust Bank to see if they will find this useful. Once I felt there was demand for this I expanded on this article. I have fine-tuned my workflow to such a level that even during my calls with my friends and my One on Ones I keep taking notes, updating the pointers, I do a couple of builds during the calls and share the link during and post the call.

I am just starting to realize the power of SMOD - Small, Early, Often, During and I want to see all the places where I can apply this and also share it with my Trust Bank and help them apply this and see if it works for them.


Documentation, Monitoring, Sharing and teaching are things I try to do while doing something. You don't need to be a pro to teach something to somebody. You just need to be marginally better than X at Y, to help them or teach them. In fact if you are marginally better, the other party will be able to relate to you better than to some Phd in the domain.


One area I have not been able to apply this more rigorously is Long term Valuable Timetaking Todos I am making that explicit so that I can consciously do it regularly.


  1. mind is the most important tool for this.
  2. tricks to do this
    1. whenever you say i will do this after x, ask yourself what can you do right now.
    2. if your are uncomfortable about something do it right now.
    3. ask your closed ones to call you out when you don't follow this.
  3. go just do it and ping me. let's discuss.



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