while learning most of the students repeat the same hello world programs or create the same projects like clone of Flipkart clone of Zomato etc. A lot of human hours wasted in this recreations which do not add value to anybody.

this is an attempt to create repository of micro tasks which will give the learners an idea of tasks that can be used in real life. we are creating open micro task repository. the tasks in this repository are added by anybody who wants some task to be done but currently don't have the time or resources to get it done. generally these are tasks that don't have a strict timeline so that it reduced the pressure on the students. they can take a dig at a micro task that is closely related to what they are learning. the tasks contain both paid and unpaid tasks. the students are adviced not to give more attention to the monetary side of things until we have a proper system in place.

Picking up a task from the micro tasks lists

  1. currently we are using a public spreadsheet. each task has an uuid associated with it to identify the task.
  2. pick a task that interests you and is aligned with what you are learning.
  3. add your name in the candidate column and the time by which you think you can complete the task. if you have any queries you can reach out to the person who added the task. the name is linked to social media handle that they are active on.
  4. once the task is completed, add links to the solution, so that others also can take a look at it.

Adding a task to the list

  1. think of something that you are currently doing at your work or in a project. something that is not time bound but doing that can improve the outcome of what you are doing currently or what you want to do next.
  2. try to generalise it as much as possible so that anybody can take a dig at it and no confidential data is exposed.
    1. we are working on a ai tool that would work offline and remove any confidential data.
  3. don't overthink it. just add the task first and then you can keep improving the details. as you speak to more people who are attempting it you will get more clarity and you can update the details of the problem. Think Small, Early, Often, During. we are also in the process of adding operators who can take the basic idea you have written and make it not structured. more details will follow.
  4. if you can afford to sponsor the people who will try solving it, please consider doing that. for now keep the incentives small. i would suggest less than 5000 INR. you can decide whether to give this amount or not based on the output. all we ask of you is to be fair

learningpaths/Learning Paths team is working on making this more structured and part of our suite of tools(there is no deadline).

In the mean time we can make use of the Google spreadsheets to do most of the things. If you have any suggestions do let us know.


if you have any ideas feel free to Reach out to me

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