brutal honesty and consistent curiosity should define me. I am not yet there but I am on the way to this. After experimenting a little I would keep this at 8 Brutal Honesty and 8 on consistent curiosity and 8 on growth mindset. Note : I keep changing my ratings based on my experience and circumstances in life.

Brutal honesty

But the world is not ready for Brutal Honesty yet. So I will stick to manageable honesty for now. There are places where I want to be more honest but that is limited by the maturity of the people around me and considering the side effects of being fully honest. I had some first hand experience around this because of which I scaled this down.

I am 100 percent honest with people who are close to me. It started with myself. Then my kid Abhirath. Then I brought in my wife, mom and dad. This is my Trust Bank right now. I am slowly expanding this. I don't want to deal with the everyday bullshit of life. So I try to grow this circle slowly. I am in no hurry.

Consistent Curiosity

Nobody can debate about consistent curiosity. If you have remained consistently curious for a decade you are already a powerhouse. You may not realised it yet. But trust me you are.

I have always been curious. The scale of it might have varied over the time. I think that is one of my core traits. It defines Who I am. Ideally I would love to pursue my curiosities even further but for me to reach there I need better financial independence which I am constantly working.

Knowing Who I am starts with asking right questions and Who am I is a good My Mind Map Entry Points.

Growth Mindset

This is the third phrase i added on July 25, 2023. I realised this after a call with 30+ people. I rated myself 9 on first two phrases. People might feel they need growth but they wont have growth mindset. This is the third filtering criterial for me. I am choosing to work with only those people who have a growth mindset.

Tenets I live by or want to live by

five tenets that i want to live by and believe that are critical to change the world into a better place.

But anyways I would like to end with two phrases i love and would love to live by

  1. What the fuck do I know
  2. what have i got to loose?

Know more about me

  2. i want x
  3. I want to
  4. I want to be a
  5. I will make promises and break them
  6. I was wrong


  1. Add problem solving

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