- You do not raise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. James Clear
- For All Business- Revenue is Vanity; Profit is Sanity; Cash Flow is Reality
- For App business -Acquisition is Vanity; Engagement is Sanity; Retention is Reality
- Grit is sticking with your future.
- punctuation is overrated prolificacy is underrated
- Socrates said that philosophy is a preparation for death.
- "I am regularly impressed by how much statistical common sense ChatGPT with Code Interpreter has," Mollick tweeted.
- all rules have an exception. including this one?
- build it in the shadows while org is arguing about the direction. your solution will take over that of the company's because everyone will come up with poor solutions - Adit from Blinkit
- Product Talk
- it is always good to have capital to observe the shocks - Sachin bhansal
- your interests reduce the number of options that you need to experiment with
- not knowing when something won't work is important
- Success or failure is the result of daily choices
- margin of your product is directly proportional to the value you add - philosophy of business
- people were smart 2000 years ago
- no amount of brute force gets you pantheon
- largest un reinforced concrete dome
- light itself has substance
- longest continuously occupied building in the history?
- irrespective of how rich or powerful you get 1 to 1.5 miracles. then you run of energy wheatever. pantheon wanted atleast 5 miracles to happen
- similar impact
- putting man on moon
- phones that connect people and knowledge
- autonomous vehicles
- five miracles for this
- where you are and what exact time it is - GPS
- where all the roads are, what the rules are and where you are going - navigation systems
- near real time communication with high performing computer systems and surrounding machines to understand the intent - wireless technolgies
- HOV lanes?
- high occupancy vehicle
- recognise people, signs and objects
- machine learning
- five miracles for this
- natural and designed wonders
- the strongest relationships garner the best results
- "The most powerful thing that I can offer is my voice," Iltija Mufti tells
- some one who is living the question instead of always living the answer
- Naval
- self obsession is the root of all unhappiness - Naval
- i get interested in topics, concepts, ideas and understanding - Naval
- i and only i alone, am responsible for everything i think and feel
- free markets and nature gives you good feedback
- when you are trying to survive you have to be correct
- willingness to say it combined with saying it in an interesting way
- meter, rhythm and rhyme
- anyone who is highly truth seeking will eventually find eastern philosophy
- eastern philosophy and western science has the advantage of being closer to truth
- best path towards truth is understanding
- a fit body, a calm mind and a house full of love. these things cannot be bought they need to be earned.
- your own mind and your own life will not be kind to you as you get older. - while talking about kids and finding god :P
- both people have to be equally happy
- i am a lazy person and i hate conflict
- the beauty of modern life is that it gives so many options
- in a choice based model you have to be picky
- their is high cost in relationships. the biggest problem in relationships is dishonesty
- the longer you fake it, the worse it is going to be
- eventually you will see this person at their worst and they will see you at your wors
- current generation might judge you on your average but future generations will judge you on your best
- curiosity means you want to know the truth
- budha was not a budhist
- if it was predictable it would be boring
- history remembers artists
- motivated reasoning
- opearating at the edge of your capability
- creativity is a mysterious force
- i will take an unhappy truth over lie anyday
- modern struggle is to navigate through abundances
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