1. You do not raise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems. James Clear
    1. Keep increasing your support levels
  2. For All Business- Revenue is Vanity; Profit is Sanity; Cash Flow is Reality
  3. For App business -Acquisition is Vanity; Engagement is Sanity; Retention is Reality
    1. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/abhinay-jain_growth-activity-6910092308684189696-UOOt?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
  4. Grit is sticking with your future.
    1. TED
  5. punctuation is overrated prolificacy is underrated
    1. reddy2go
  6. Socrates said that philosophy is a preparation for death.
  7. "I am regularly impressed by how much statistical common sense ChatGPT with Code Interpreter has," Mollick tweeted.
  8. all rules have an exception. including this one?
  9. build it in the shadows while org is arguing about the direction. your solution will take over that of the company's because everyone will come up with poor solutions - Adit from Blinkit
  10. Product Talk
    1. With each hand-off, we loose context and nuance
    2. It’s critical that the team that is building the product is the same team that is engaging with customers directly.
  11. it is always good to have capital to observe the shocks - Sachin bhansal
  12. your interests reduce the number of options that you need to experiment with
    1. incentive alignments

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