- Life coach
- But I am not sure if I am qualified
- If I can add value
- How I will get an opportunity
- In progress
- My Mind Map is an attempt at this too.
- Mentoring
- Less scary than being a life coach.
- I am already did this as an Engineering Manager at Grofers and with a couple of others with Being the mentor I didn't have
- Tool maker
- Doing this with Learning Paths and Highlights Extension
- We developers/engineers build software, which is a tool to make others efficient and effective. We might as well do it for ourselves.
- Founder
- So that I can capture enough value from the value I create
- Is risky
- Can create more value than I am creating now.
- Will have better leverage
- Can help more people
- Chief Learning Officer
- Most important but generally ignored.
- Chief Communication Officer
- Communication between different teams and within teams is very crucial. But again this gets ignored generally.
- Become a Venture Capitalist
- Invest in https://www.beatoven.ai/
- Toy maker
- While buying toys for Abhirath I feel this strongly.
Referenced in:
- What-next
- Observer
- Prolific
- Who-is-Gokul
- Call-with-Naina
- i-want-x
- back-to-work-after-career-break
- life-coach.
- I-want-to
- blogs/medium/What-the-fuck-do-I-know