1. Life coach
    1. But I am not sure if I am qualified
    2. If I can add value
    3. How I will get an opportunity
    4. In progress
      1. My Mind Map is an attempt at this too.
  2. Mentoring
    1. Less scary than being a life coach.
    2. I am already did this as an Engineering Manager at Grofers and with a couple of others with Being the mentor I didn't have
  3. Tool maker
    1. Doing this with Learning Paths and Highlights Extension
    2. We developers/engineers build software, which is a tool to make others efficient and effective. We might as well do it for ourselves.
  4. Founder
    1. So that I can capture enough value from the value I create
      1. Check Value creation versus value capture
    2. Is risky
    3. Can create more value than I am creating now.
    4. Will have better leverage
    5. Can help more people
  5. Chief Learning Officer
    1. Most important but generally ignored.
  6. Chief Communication Officer
    1. Communication between different teams and within teams is very crucial. But again this gets ignored generally.
  7. Become a Venture Capitalist
    1. Invest in https://www.beatoven.ai/
  8. Toy maker
    1. While buying toys for Abhirath I feel this strongly.

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