Pending Ones

  1. High priority
    1. Project Management
      1. Obsidian data view queries
      2. Managing projects -
  2. Build a flow that will breakdown each of the word of title into link
  3. Understand workflows better -
  4. Command previous of links
  5. Learn how to embed other notes in a note - Done
  6. How to do escaping
  7. How to switch between different vertical tabs -
  8. Does having a horizontal tab help?
  9. Show I set it up like I do for iTerm
  10. Switching between one tab to the other - CMD + O
  11. How to embed tweets and video
  12. How to embed videos and take time stamped notes
    1. Look at community plugins
  13. How to switch between Todos
    1. Is it suggested to use minimum number of Vaults or can I use as many possble?
  14. CSS for obsidian
  15. Run a script to create pages for all the missing ones.
    1. Can we do this at the page level.
  16. Add a link to the published version at the bottom for each of the notes - works for now because there is a shortcut


  1. Shortcuts?
    1. App has decent shortcuts.
    2. Scroll down to get more options. #tips #obsidian
      1. Changed this Open or create
  2. Should I consider Logseq?
    1. Deprioritised
    2. Got to know that Logseq slows down when content grows
    3. Find somebody who is using logseq and only if they are seeing next level benefits then shift
  3. Getting links to blocks
  4. When to use tags and links
    1. I have decided to majorly use links and tags only when necessary.
    1. Using TODOs #todo
  5. Using Tags #tags
    1. Using synced blocks
    2. Like normal links, just add ^ or # after that.
    1. Figure out how to use templates
    2. Create a folder called templates
    3. Create templates as normal files with place holders
    4. Cmd + P, Insert templates then populates all the files in the templates folder.
    1. Switch between different Vaults
    2. There is a button on the left botoom for this.
  6. Markdown has Front Matter. Should I use that in the notes
    1. Used them both. Front Matter comes handy in the templates and also workflows.
  7. Go from one note to other.
    1. CMD + Option + Directions
  8. How to use starting template
    1. templates
  9. There are good options on mobile configurations. Figure out each of them and change the priority in editor accordingly.

CMD + P for command CMD + O for opening existing the new ones CMD + N for new note

Thumb Rules for thinking like Obsidian Tool Makers

  1. Offline first.
  2. Everything is a file
  3. Links are central to building the note making tool
  4. Hierarchical Thinking


  1. Use for pushing the images to imgur and share the link in the Obsidian

I have a list of of things I want to checkout and explore in Obsidian as my #todo Do read my list Obsidian Todos and see if you know any of them already.

How to do X in Obsidian

  1. How to link to a block
    1. First you need to know which page/note to link. Use Double Square Brackets [[Obsidian]] and followed by ^ to link to a section withing the page.
    2. For example



Referenced in:

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