I am Learning to make bold statements. Doing this reduces the time required to communicate an idea. When people get outraged they give you proofs that counter you. I need this - Everything is a feedback
For example on Right Fit Hiring I made a bold statement that nobody things long term. When people say long term they think 5 years or 10 years. I think 63 years as I am 37 on 01-08-2023. So when people talk about time they should also talk about granularity
and if there are companies who are doing that, i would like to know about them and work with them too. i am training 150 people on various things. mentoring 150 people i want to train them to be ready for the job. so i want to know people who are hiring, who are hiring smart, honest and curious people.
i am not so worried about right, compared to doing the right. i might be wrong. but who cares? what have we got to loose. in the process if we created some value and had fun, that is good enough for me.
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