understanding skills, talents and attitude matrix is very important in the self evaluation process.

attitude is the most important one. Read about five tenets to get an idea.

next comes talents. if you are not sure of this, ask yourself what does x replace in the following sentence. He is very talented in X.

skills are those which can be acquired and taught easily. when you have the right attitude and right set of talents, it is only a matter of time before you acquire enough skills to be lethal.


|Honesty| |Curiosity| |Growth| |Problem Solving| |Empathy| |Success Likelihood|


  1. mindset
  2. approach
  3. emotional intelligence
  4. truth seeking

what to do

  1. correct your attitude
  2. better your attitude
  3. find more people with similar or better attitude



natural aptitude nature part of nature versus nurture

what to do

  1. talk to more people in your Trust Bank and ask for genuine feedback about your talents
  2. leverage or nurture your talents


  1. debugging
  2. problem solving
  3. long term thinking
  4. creative
  5. communication
  6. getting things done
  7. collaborative working


nurture part of nature versus nurture


Understanding subject matter Using the tools expertise knowledge ability

acquired through

learning training experience

who can help

teachers seniors better skilled people online and offline

what to do

spend first twenty hours spend first hundred hours in as many topics as possible over the years spend 1000 hours in one or two areas that you really like

|AI| |Contributions| |Estimations| |LLD| |HLD| |Google Spreadheets| |HTML| |CSS| |Javascript| |Performance| |Security| |Git| |AWS| |Virtual Machine| |Docker| |MySQL| |PHP| |React| |NodeJS| |Drupal| |MERN| |Drupal Migration Steps| |Drupal Commerce| |Gatsby| |ddev| |CI/CD| |VS code| |Ubuntu| |Apache Solr / Search| |React Native| |Flutter| |Next| |Nuxt| |Exploratory Data Analysis| |Wordpress| |Google Scripts|



|Sales| |Marketing| |Product| |Design|| HR

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