I was wrong about Javascript. I first realised this in 2013 and I made an attempt to change that. I tried to plot the sex ratios of district wise. This was my attempt to understand the distribution across India and Javascript, D3.js came very handy.

Javascript will rule the world. Not sure if WASM and Tranpilers will change this. There is a quote that Anything that can be written in Javascript will eventually be written in Javascript.

The quirks of javascript is the price we pay for being able to run it in all the browsers as Hitesh mentioned.

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {


  1. Some of the things I used to judge how good a candidate is
    1. Promises -

Interesting libraries

  1. https://twitter.com/ariaminaei/status/1439918117807853575?s=19

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