Learning Paths is working on building the best learning eco system in the world.
We are building tools and community for structured and unstructured learning on internet.
I am too lazy to update our website(https://www.learningpaths.io/) so I am typing this from my Obsidian which then gets pushed to https://gokulnk.com/
Highlights is a chrome extension that lets you highlight, add notes and tags to anything you find relevant on internet. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlights-highlighter-an/fiajhjomgpnlefcbdhfghnbhpillkklb
You can search across your highlights from a single dashboard on https://alpha.app.learningpaths.io/#/highlights
Your public highlights can then also be used to create your curations lists like I have done for the articles I have marked as Good Reads on https://gokulnk.com/curious-about/goodreads
Things you can do
- Add notes, highlights and tags - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euBrnK8Ma6Y
- Share your public highlights - https://alpha.app.learningpaths.io/#/highlights/public/5bb5bb5fa3664d73e323afdf
- Export your highlights to roam - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkbF1glnBVM
- Convert your highlights to twitter thread - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGxFrF-C0R4
Give me feedback
- Install the extension - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlights-highlighter-an/fiajhjomgpnlefcbdhfghnbhpillkklb
- Make 10 highlights. Mark 5 of them public.
- Make 5 notes. Add tags and comments.
Learning Paths
We are in the process of releasing the Learning Paths feature using which anybody can create a learning path in less than 30 seconds. When ready it will be accessible at https://alpha.app.learningpaths.io/#/create/learning-path
Learning Community
We are bootstrapping a learning community which will over the time be converted to a DAO based on fractal governance.
We are starting this process at https://discord.com/invite/Qzf8ufwbbk
Social Media
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjzFuYkEWceS9aR_30n6kMw/videos
- Medium
- https://twitter.com/learningpathsio
Other things
- https://draw.learningpaths.io/ - draw your ideas and see them come to life as you add clarity.