Do you have the clarity to answer this question? If not that is the first thing You should do, today
Asking the right questions is a part of my meta rules and this question is almost at the top of it as it can unlock a lot of other things. Clarity and Impact are great Leverage
Think of clarity in terms of confidence levels. You don't need full clarity. You just need good enough confidence so that your are excited about the impact it can create
It is all about Return on investments. You are investing time and energy, you might as well do it on something that has the highest impact.
Once you have that clarity then ask yourself What is stopping me from doing it. Most of the times they are excuses you give to yourself. You don't want to be vulnerable, you don't want to let down your loved ones, you are afraid that you will fail, your are happy with status quo
Personal Experience
- For most part of the last decade I believed that doing something on the lines of learning paths was the answer to this question. Now( 2024 I am not so sure. So I am trying to explore my interests and build commitment
- Something in AI?
- Something around sustainability??
- Something around SDGs
Obsidian doesn't allow you to add question marks in titles. Why?? I wanted to add a question in this title.
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