404 page not found
Sorry. This url has changed or there is no content created yet for this page. If you think this page can help you or you can help on creating the page feel free to tweet at me
As you might know this site will be a work in progress for quite some time. So you might find may 404 pages.
Since this site is built using Obsidian you will see this message whenever you come to a link that has zero words in the note. I will be working on filling up those notes. Ideally I should fix the logic so that it shows an empty page. But that will take time. So using this shortcut for now. As a next step I will start using templates for new notes so that there is at-least some text in the the note.
In fact this file also was written in the Note Taking tool and changed some code in gatsby to redirect the default 404 page to this.
What to do now
It could also be that the url you are looking for has changed and we have not added a redirect. We are working on adding redirects to old links shared
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