1. Fashion
    1. 140 rupes fashion can reach any part of india
    2. Volume to value ratio is very low in fashion
  2. Search Based Thinking
  3. Indias
    1. India 1 -
      1. Singapore
      2. Poland
    2. India 2
    3. India 3
  4. Brand
    1. Valua added consumption
    2. If you are selling thrice the cost of creation you are creating a brand?
    3. Greed, Fear and Altruism
  5. Personal loans for consumer durables
    1. 1129% increase
  6. BNPL
    1. 20+ annual interest
  7. Quiet Luxury
  8. Conscience Capitalism
  9. Signalling
  10. Community based brand building
  11. Point of Sale
    1. moving towards content
    2. content based community
  12. threshold of scaling D2C
    1. 0 to 20
    2. 20 to 100
      1. crack performance marketing
    3. 100 and above
      1. how to make offline
      2. move from push to pull
  13. pref
    1. Product quality
    2. Content and community
    3. Distirbution channel
  14. people don't remember the facts, they remember stories
  15. underpriced attention
  16. when you don't have differentiator
    1. post and pre
  17. brand
    1. be known for something that compounds over time
    2. it takes compounding to build a brand
  18. mama earth
    1. onion oil is good for health
  19. can you build a product for a community
  20. replacement market
  21. demand forecasting
    1. clustering

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