b2b fruits marketplace - Chifu Agritech Pvt Ltd

Website - https://www.vegrow.in/


1 engineering leadership - https://www.linkedin.com/in/arunkumararjunan/ 2. Founders

1. - Kiran Naik Bhukya
2. Mrudhukar Batchu
3. Praneeth Kumar
4. Shobhit Jain


yeargross revenue in cr


  1. Dec 2023 - 46M - series C
  2. Oct 2022 - XX - series B - should be zero considering totoal raised till date is 87 mil
  3. July 2022 - 25M - series B
  4. July 2021 - 13M - series A
  5. May 2020 - 2.5M - seed round

https://thekredible.com/company/vegrow/financials total raised till April 2024 is 87 million 46+25+13+2.5

87 million approx 7300 crores raised till date

Key metrics

  1. EBIDTA = -30% in FY23
EBITDA Margin-28.06%-30.05%
Expense/₹ of Op Revenue₹1.32₹1.33
Gross Revenue100 cr361 cr

Open Questions

  1. What is the current runway
  2. Why are excotic fruites not considered, if considered what is the split
  3. Channel Split
    1. Retailer
    2. Wholesaler
    3. Semi Wholesaler
    4. Exporter
  4. how do they do
    1. fixed price and consistent quality
      1. consistency in price and quality

Closed Questions

  1. What is the percentage of fruits contribution to agriculture in India


  1. https://alpha.app.learningpaths.io/#/highlights/public/5bb5bb5fa3664d73e323afdf?search=&intag:vegrow

    All notes