NDSAP - National Data Sharing and Access Policy



  1. All departments should create a negative list. Any datasets not in this are considered public by default.
  2. Seggragation of high value datasets.
  3. Key Features
    1. Open Source Driven –
    2. Metadata –
    3. Social Media Connect
    4. Citizen Engagement
    5. Community Collaboration
  4. Dublin Core Standards for metadata
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin_Core
        1. Contributor – "An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource".
      1. Coverage – "The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant".
      2. Creator – "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource".
      3. Date – "A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource".
      4. Description – "An account of the resource".
      5. Format – "The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource".
      6. Identifier – "An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context".
      7. Language – "A language of the resource".
      8. Publisher – "An entity responsible for making the resource available".
      9. Relation – "A related resource".
      10. Rights – "Information about rights held in and over the resource".
      11. Source – "A related resource from which the described resource is derived".
      12. Subject – "The topic of the resource".
      13. Title – "A name given to the resource".
      14. Type – "The nature or genre of the resource".
    2. Controlled Vocabulary
      1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_vocabulary
  5. Explore
    1. browse, search, filter, sort and access
  6. Tim Berners Lee Rating
    1. Where the abbreviations stands for:
    2. OL – Open License
    3. RE – Readable (Human & Machine)
    4. OF – Open Format
    5. URI – Universal Resource Identifier
    6. LD – Linked Data


  1. Dr. Y. K. Sharma ……. Chairman Director General, National Informatics Centre 2. Dr. (Smt) Shefali Sushil Dash Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre 3. Shri Sanjay Singh Gahlout Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre 4. Dr. R. Siva Kumar Head NRDMS & NSDI, Department of Science & Technology 5. Dr. C. Muralikrishna Kumar Senior Advisor (CIT&I), Planning Commission 6. Shri Rajiv Rai Jt. Secretary, & CWO, Department of Personnel & Training 7. Shri P. C. Mohanan Dy. Director General, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation 8. Smt. Sudha Midha Addl. Director General, Ministry of Water Resources 9. Shri Pankaj Srivastava Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs 10. Shri Gaurav Dwivedi Director (eGovernance), Department of Electronics & Information Technology 11. Representative Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) 12. Ms. Neeta Verma Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre 13. Ms. Alka Mishra ……. Convener Senior Technical Director, National Informatics Centre Implementation Guidelines for NDSAP NDSAP PMU, NIC February 18, 2014 Page 46 Annexure – VI Open Government Data Division Team  Ms. Neeta Verma, HoG and Head of OGD Platform India  Ms. Alka Mishra, Sr. Technical Director, HOD  Mr. Durga Prasad Misra, Principal Systems Analyst  Mr. Sunil Babbar, Senior Systems Analyst  Mr. Varun Gupta, Scientific Officer ‘SB’ Supported by:  Mr. V. S. Mohan Das, Technical Director, Data Centre and Web Services Division  Mr. Narender Jain, Systems Analyst, Data Centre and Web Services

Data formats

 CSV (Comma separated Values)  XLS (spread sheet- Excel)  ODS (Open Document Formats for Spreadsheet)  XML (Extensive Markup Language)  RDF (Resources Description Framework)  KML (Keyhole Markup Language used for Maps)  GML (Geography Markup Language)  RSS/ATOM (Fast changing data e.g. hourly/daily)


  1. Tim Berners-Lee had classified data into single star to five star categories based on formats for data. Please refer to Annexure II.
  2. Checkout - https://data.gov.in/datacontrollers
  3. For Karnataka - https://data.gov.in/cdo?page=2
  4. metrics page - https://data.gov.in/metrics

Good to haves

  1. Request for datasets
  2. Rating of datasets

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