- https://every.to/divinations/llms-are-the-new-cpus?sid=26026
- Customers wanted to bet on the team that would deliver the most performance over time for the least upgrade cost, and so an ecosystem started to grow around Intel products.
- There aren’t many developer tools built around LLMs yet, but those that do exist are almost all “provider agnostic”—they operate on the assumption that applications may change models frequently or even use multiple models to accomplish specific tasks
- In fact, the tools that win often do so because they were able to make a complex thing feel more simple
- My prediction is that this will continue for maybe a year or two, and then increasingly the knowledge will diffuse and there will be multiple high-quality providers
- LLMs will become more than just another API service; they will become a cornerstone of modern computing, with an impact similar to that of the CPU.
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