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  1. WAF
    1. Web Application Firewall
    2. We use
      1. CloudFlare WAF
    3. Other options
      1. Akamai Kona Site Defener
      2. Barracuda
      3. Fortinet
      4. Palo Alto
      5. AWS WAF
        1. CloudFront with AWS Shield
  2. CDN -
    1. Content Delivery Network
    2. We used
      1. CloudFlare
    3. Alternatives
      1. Amazon Cloud Front
  3. API gateway
    1. Reverse Proxy
    2. Request Routing
    3. Load Balancing
  4. Tools
    1. KONG - Blinkit
    2. nginx - Learning Paths
    3. haProxy - World Bankinc
  5. CDP -
    1. Customer Data Platforms
    2. We Used
      1. Segment
    3. Others
      1. Rudder Stack
      2. Snow plow
      3. Jitsu
      4. Apache Unomi
  6. App Monitoring
    1. Firebase
  7. Configuration Management
    1. Consul
    2. Consul KV - our implementation
  8. Secret Management
    1. Vault
  9. Feature Flag
    1. Launch Darkly
  10. Secrets Management
  11. Virtualisation and orchestration
    1. Docker
    2. Kubernetes
      1. Concept
        1. base
        2. overlays
      2. Configuration overrides kustomise
        1. common configs
        2. environment specific overrides
  12. Dev set up
  13. APM
    1. New Relic
  14. Monitoring
    1. Prometheus and Grafana
    2. Log Management
      1. Promtail for log shipping
      2. Loki do
      3. Prometheus for metrics
        1. apps expose at /metrics
      4. Initially grafana cloud?
  15. Distributed Logging
    1. Mesh tracing
    2. Request tracing
      1. Open Telemetry - Blinkit
        1. traceid and spanid
      2. Zipkin
        1. twitter
      3. Pixies
        1. CNCF
    3. Tools
      1. Open Telemetry
      2. Zipkin
      3. Jaueger
  16. Data processing
    1. Types of processing
      1. OL-A-P
      2. OL-T-P
    2. Types of data
      1. source application data
      2. event data
        1. app events data
      3. derived data
    3. Debezium
      1. stream the changes to Kafka
      2. CDC - Change Data Capture
    4. Airlfow
    5. DAGs
    6. Crons
    7. Flink - Aggregation
    8. Spark -
    9. Redshit - Compute
    10. HUDI - datalake
    11. snowflake
    12. ETL
    13. EMR
    14. Presto
      1. Query Engine
    15. Redash - UI
    16. Event Data
      1. Rudder
  17. CI/CD
    1. Jenkins
    2. ArgoCD
  18. Incident Management
    1. Tools
      1. Ops Genie
      2. PagerDuty
    2. Concepts
      1. Oncall Rotation
      2. Generic Rotation and Overrides for special events
      3. Primary and secondary oncall
      4. EMs were the tertiary on call
      5. High impact days
    3. RCA templates
      1. services impacted
      2. timelines
      3. QOS and orders impacted
      4. Financial impact
      5. TODOs from the RCA
      6. Collaboration with SRE team
      7. Suggestions to other services
      8. Roll back using git
        1. Integration with slack for roll backs
        2. All DB changes had roll backs
      9. Partial roll outs using LaunchDarkly
  19. Project Management
    1. Jira
      1. Stories
      2. Story pointers
      3. EPIC
      4. Mapping to OKRs
  20. Support Tickets
    1. FreshDesk
  21. Messaging
    1. Gupshup
    2. Gossip(service)
  22. Load testing
    1. Locust with K8s
      1. Open source
      2. Uses python
      3. load/test generation can be distributed
      4. detailed simulation of user behaviour
        1. we created different test users for personas and used them for simulation
    2. Testing on test environment
    3. Testing on live environment and cancelling the orders later
  23. Chatbot
    1. FreshWorks Chatbot acquired Joe Hukum
  24. Data lakes
    1. RedShift
    2. HUD
    3. Redshift Sprectrum
  25. KPIs
    1. Tableau
  26. Business Metrics Dashboard - Sonar
    1. Kafka -> flink -> PINOT
  27. Feature Store
    1. DynamoDB
  28. Nyala
    1. Kafka based Message Queues
    2. SNS
    3. SQS
    4. rabbitMQ
    5. Topics
      1. DLQ
  29. terraform

Grofers architecture


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