Quick Links
- https://zoom.us/j/93695025874?pwd=d21oajBrOFhEbkE0enJpREZ0TUtTQT09
- https://gokulnk.com/notes/fractally/WhitePaper
ending September 3
- @artdapp
- Tools
- Hifi
June end to July 2nd
@jseymour, @brandon, @doingitright, @bishop3dcrea, @gokulnk
May 11th to June 18th
- Nothing much, just attended the session
- ranking
- matt langston , gregory, charlesbishop, topobadger, highsteam, gokul
May 7th to May 14th
- Created the first version of the consensus spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DQFPq_Z8oJ2ntNSYxmFR9PvPl88K_nWVW93_2caf8Vk/ - Leave a comment if you want to provide feedback.
- If you want to use it for the consensus within your team then use this link - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DQFPq_Z8oJ2ntNSYxmFR9PvPl88K_nWVW93_2caf8Vk/copy
May 1st to May 7th
April 23rd to April 30th
April 16th to April 23rd
- Started Draft for conversation with the Drupal Community and Drupal Association
- Spoke to Rohit(https://twitter.com/RohitMalekar - https://twitter.com/messages/15096544-363926121) and Darshan(Energy and sustainability)
- Finished 60% of Green pilled
- Noting down the common things we can learn from there.
- Consensus Post - https://hive.blog/fractally/@jseymour/fractally-genesis-meeting-saturday-april-23rd-2022
- Saw the problem of trolls today.
- Breakout Room
- My Rating - 2. @dan 3. @wildwex 4. @hactu 5. @gokulnk 7. @eosmel 8. @dphillippi
- Final consensus
- @dan, @wildwex, @hachtu, @gokulnk, @eosmel, @dphillippi
- Outcomes
- My rating and consensus matched
- Improve the process of collecting the hive account ids
- Ask people to share the hive ids initially.
April 9th to April 16th
- Restarting the work on https://medium.com/@gokulnk/making-drupal-an-open-source-project-sustainable-7a544baab10
April 2nd to April 9th
March 26 - April 2nd
- Created the web version of the white paper for my own highlights - https://hive.blog/fractally/@gokulnk/hindi-translation-of-fractally-whitepaper
- Request for Hindi translation of the white paper - https://hive.blog/fractally/@gokulnk/hindi-translation-of-fractally-whitepaper
- Concentrate on size of the pie than your slice of the pie.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN6agDJV1hI - How EOS Bees work
- Read - https://hive.blog/piotr/@machnbirdsparo/let-s-talk-about-fractally-an-introduction-via-timeline
My questions
March 19 - March 26
- Read Fractally whitepaper
- Highlights from More equal animals
- Add fractally to learning paths.
- Curated list of people from India whom I should invite
- Template for contributions
- 45 mins confirmed?
- Track the amount of time each person speaks, so over the time statistically we can ask talkative people to talk less and others to speak.
- Randomise the first person to speak
- There is better consensus amongst the top three and difficult to reach consensus for the bottom three.
- This is a meta problem - Dan
- Consensus to decide value
- Proposal for change - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrbHGjkiCujbYdGXYm50IpOCvWtmnb7OpN92Dl18sJ6roZdA/viewform
- Element of natural selection at play - Dan
- Ranking based Retention
- nudimar@hive
- https://gofractally.com/posts/fractally-genesis-rank-respect-as-of-march-26th-2022