Quick Links

  1. https://zoom.us/j/93695025874?pwd=d21oajBrOFhEbkE0enJpREZ0TUtTQT09
  2. https://gokulnk.com/notes/fractally/WhitePaper

ending September 3

  1. @artdapp
  2. Tools
    1. Hifi

June end to July 2nd

@jseymour, @brandon, @doingitright, @bishop3dcrea, @gokulnk

May 11th to June 18th

  1. Nothing much, just attended the session
  2. ranking
    1. matt langston , gregory, charlesbishop, topobadger, highsteam, gokul

May 7th to May 14th

  1. Created the first version of the consensus spreadsheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DQFPq_Z8oJ2ntNSYxmFR9PvPl88K_nWVW93_2caf8Vk/ - Leave a comment if you want to provide feedback.
  2. If you want to use it for the consensus within your team then use this link - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DQFPq_Z8oJ2ntNSYxmFR9PvPl88K_nWVW93_2caf8Vk/copy

May 1st to May 7th

April 23rd to April 30th

April 16th to April 23rd


  1. Started Draft for conversation with the Drupal Community and Drupal Association
  2. Spoke to Rohit(https://twitter.com/RohitMalekar - https://twitter.com/messages/15096544-363926121) and Darshan(Energy and sustainability)
  3. Finished 60% of Green pilled
    1. Noting down the common things we can learn from there.


  1. Consensus Post - https://hive.blog/fractally/@jseymour/fractally-genesis-meeting-saturday-april-23rd-2022
  2. Saw the problem of trolls today.
  3. Breakout Room
    1. My Rating - 2. @dan 3. @wildwex 4. @hactu 5. @gokulnk 7. @eosmel 8. @dphillippi
    2. Final consensus
      1. @dan, @wildwex, @hachtu, @gokulnk, @eosmel, @dphillippi
    3. Outcomes
      1. My rating and consensus matched
  4. TODOs
    1. Improve the process of collecting the hive account ids
    2. Ask people to share the hive ids initially.

April 9th to April 16th

  1. Restarting the work on https://medium.com/@gokulnk/making-drupal-an-open-source-project-sustainable-7a544baab10

April 2nd to April 9th

March 26 - April 2nd

  1. Created the web version of the white paper for my own highlights - https://hive.blog/fractally/@gokulnk/hindi-translation-of-fractally-whitepaper
  2. Request for Hindi translation of the white paper - https://hive.blog/fractally/@gokulnk/hindi-translation-of-fractally-whitepaper


  1. Concentrate on size of the pie than your slice of the pie.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN6agDJV1hI - How EOS Bees work
  2. Read - https://hive.blog/piotr/@machnbirdsparo/let-s-talk-about-fractally-an-introduction-via-timeline

My questions

March 19 - March 26

  1. Read Fractally whitepaper
  2. Highlights from More equal animals
  3. Add fractally to learning paths.
  4. Curated list of people from India whom I should invite
  5. Template for contributions


  1. 45 mins confirmed?
  2. Track the amount of time each person speaks, so over the time statistically we can ask talkative people to talk less and others to speak.
  3. Randomise the first person to speak
  4. There is better consensus amongst the top three and difficult to reach consensus for the bottom three.
  5. This is a meta problem - Dan
  6. Consensus to decide value
  7. Proposal for change - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrbHGjkiCujbYdGXYm50IpOCvWtmnb7OpN92Dl18sJ6roZdA/viewform
  8. Element of natural selection at play - Dan
  9. Ranking based Retention
  10. nudimar@hive
  11. https://gofractally.com/posts/fractally-genesis-rank-respect-as-of-march-26th-2022

    All notes