1. AWS (Amazon Web Services): AWS Known for its wide array of services, including computing power, database storage, and content delivery. AWS is often considered the go-to solution for enterprises and startups alike.
  2. GCP (Google Cloud Platform): GCP Known for its strong offerings in data analytics, machine learning, and open-source technologies. GCP is also recognized for its high-speed and premium networking.
  3. Microsoft Azure: Azure Strongly integrated with Microsoft's software and known for its enterprise solutions, including AI and machine learning capabilities.
  4. IBM Cloud: IBM Cloud Offers a range of cloud computing services and is particularly strong in enterprise solutions, including Watson for AI and machine learning.
  5. Oracle Cloud: Oracle Cloud Specializes in database services and enterprise applications. It's particularly useful for businesses already using Oracle software.
  6. Alibaba Cloud: Alibaba Cloud China's leading cloud service provider, offering a comprehensive suite of cloud computing services.
  7. DigitalOcean: digital ocean Known for its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, it's popular among startups and SMEs for web application hosting.
  8. Heroku: Heroku A Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that simplifies application deployment and is popular for web application hosting.
  9. Salesforce Cloud: Known for its Blinkit CRM software, it also offers a range of other enterprise solutions.
  10. VMware Cloud: Provides cloud services designed to be compatible with the company's on-premises virtualization products.
  11. Rackspace: Known for its managed cloud services and high level of customer service.
  12. Red Hat OpenShift: OpenShift An open-source container application platform based on the Kubernetes container orchestrator.

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