1. if you can hold the checks, you can convert an enemy attack into weakness, provided you can take out the defenders in the check holding.
  2. Rule list
    1. All rules of chess are bi-directional
      1. if you say don't leave pieces hanging, it also mean that look for the hanging pieces of your opponent
    2. When you look at the board and it is your chance
      1. Verify that it is not a check mate
      2. Check if you can give a checkmate
    3. Other observations
      1. When the opposition king has less moves, you can make use of it to create forced moves that will benefit you.
        1. !Screenshot 2024-12-31 at 6.48.17 AM.png
        2. King has no moves. so try to give a cheque
      2. Look for single direction passages of king
      3. look for 8 directions of king and see what can be attacked
      4. A queen at one square diff can cover 4 squares of king((1 diagonally opposite to the kind))
      5. A defended queen adjacent to king can attack 6 squares(1 diagonally opposite to the kind)
      6. corner(3 squares) -> edge(5 squares) -> center(8 squares)
      7. if king is covered by his own pieces he can't kill them use it.
        1. our paws surrounding enemy king should be supported
      8. when king is surrounded by his own pieces and no moves allowed look for a check with the knight
    4. Generic
      1. Bring more pieces into the attack when possible and cover the square immediately surrounding the enemy king. Better if the piece can come into play while giving a check.
    5. Rooks can should attack from the passages when possible and if the passage is in the direction where king has least moves optimise that.
    6. When there are a set of moves prefer forced moves which gives you more control. If you are trading pieces look at those where exchange leads to attacking moves and forced moves.
    7. When you are pinned, try to pin your oppeonent

chess move ranks - https://support.chess.com/en/articles/8572705-how-are-moves-classified-what-is-a-blunder-or-brilliant-etc

A - Amy
B - Bella
C - Cesar
D - David
E - Eva
F - Felix
G - Gustav
H - Helen

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