Asking the right questions is a part of my meta rules
This is one such question. I ask this question to trigger people. It is a bold statement or question but it works.
I use this to highlight two things. One, consistency is important. Two suggest them to get Accountability partners
Consistency doesn't mean doing daily. Though doing something daily does help, it is not feasible always. So just look at it as frequency.
Daily is x per day, Weekly is x per week. So the approach I take is I set the minimum per day. Let us say reading is the goal. So I ask myself what is the minimum amount of time I should spend on reading per day. Let us say if I keep it one hour per day. I try to do that every day. But if I miss it on a few days I don't crib about it. I am ok with it. I also try to keep a weekly limit. So my lower limit will be one hour per day or 10 hours per week. As long as I read 10 hours per week missing a few days shouldn't matter much.
If I fail in both the daily limits and weekly limits. I refresh it and try it for a couple of weeks. If I fail three weeks in a row, it is time for me to introspect. It means something is wrong. Either the workflow is not smooth or I am not enjoying reading. Both are read flags for me. For the first one I try to improve workflow based on some suggestions from Atomic Habits by playing around with one of the Cue, Craving, Response, Reward. For the second I try to see if I am not enjoying something should I punish/push myself to do it. Until and unless I have a resounding yes as an answer I try to avoid it. If I am half doubtful I pause it and try to Build my conviction or Curiosity around the activity so that I will naturally start enjoying it.