Everybody should learn to trade. If not for making money, atelast for understanding their own emotions better.


  1. Write a script on https://in.tradingview.com/chart/mwjP3jXF/?symbol=BITSTAMP%3ABTCUSD
  2. Create a proper set up on Trading View and see if you can save the profile.
  3. Learn to draw support and resistance lines.
    1. Extend these lines and make sure that I don't miss the visibility of these lines when look at KDJ
  4. Trading Strategies
    1. Bollinger
    2. KDJ
    3. Stock to Flow Ratio
    4. Eliott waves
  5. Build a simple bot
    1. First passive which gives signals on whatsapp
    2. Second automated bot that will run with a minimum amount of money

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