The first step is indentifying that Slack is a tool. If you use it for communication in your company there is a fair chance that you are spending a lot of time on Slack.
I am an Engineering Manager at Grofers and my major responsibility is to Unblock and Unlock my team.
Make use of threads Reminders - Custom Screen split option Search CMD+ K for everything Sending messages to yourself Integrate with calendar So any time you want to look at your calendar you can use CMD + K Cal to check your schedule Use mute channels and notifications Updating the notifcations Separate settings for mobile and desktop Keyboard shortcuts Search is powerful Click on date dropdown
Meta Tip
Slack does a very good job of showing you the hints. When doing something it will show you the shortcut for that. For example when you mouse over on the Search, it shows you that CMD+G is the shorcut for search. Some product managers are good at Asking the right questions.
They for sure know that Keyboard Shortcuts are efficient. So they asked the question why is somebody using the mouse to access this. The mouse over with the shortcut key. That is the advantage of having Product Managers who are curious and good at asking the right questions.
Powerful Shortcuts you should know.
- "CMD + [" for previous conversation
- "CMD + ]" for next conversation
- CMD + G for search
- The search is very advanced.
- CMS + Shift + A for all undread messages
- Hit Esc for marking them read
- Hit Up and down arrow for navigation.
- #todo
- How to switch between unread messages using the keyboard shortcuts.
- Go thought the exhaustive list of keyboard shortcuts and memorise them.
- Explore the list of free plugins for slack.
- Open slack channel directly from Obisidian
When something is not upto your expectations, don't crib, see what you can change Give learningpaths/Feedback Most of the product companies today are open to feedback. Especially when you provide the feedback on Social channels
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