Our Farm

Gokula Bangalore will be the primary base. I need another secondary base. It should be between nature.


  1. Minimum half acre of land.
  2. A hill should be visible in distance.
  3. A smaller hillock which we can climb on a regular basis.
  4. Less than 2 kilometres away from the main road. Land connectivity is important.


  1. No construction in the outer periphery.
    1. Have a small water channel/stream surrounding the land.
    2. What happens in summer?



  1. Fenced Cricket with Bowling machine
    1. https://www.amazon.in/Sareen-Sports-Mechanical-Cricket-Bowling/dp/B0842SD8FV/
    2. Cost
      1. Around 50k for machine
  2. Table Tennis
  3. 4 lane bowling alley
    1. https://www.fusionbowling.com/home-bowling-alley/prices
    2. Cost - 2 crores :( - So long term.


  1. Healthcare
  2. Robbery/Dacoity
  3. Villagers who might get disturbed by movement to our land.


  1. https://twitter.com/DeepakVisva?t=kZ3l4vMMa66FpYZAAqpMnQ&s=09
  2. Sunny from hackerfarm
  3. Bro Vinay
  4. Jaaga Archana

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