In India, NBARD refers to the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. NBARD is an apex development bank that focuses on providing financial and developmental support to the agricultural and rural sectors in the country. It was established in 1982 under the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981.

The primary objectives of NBARD are:

  1. Promotion of sustainable and equitable agriculture and rural development.
  2. Facilitation of credit flow for agricultural and rural development activities.
  3. Undertaking research and development activities to enhance agricultural productivity and rural livelihoods.
  4. Planning and implementation of measures for rural infrastructure development.
  5. Providing financial assistance to various stakeholders in agriculture and rural sectors.
  6. Supporting and coordinating the activities of rural credit institutions.

NBARD operates through a network of regional offices located across different states in India. It works in close collaboration with various stakeholders, including commercial banks, regional rural banks, state governments, and other development agencies, to fulfill its objectives.

NBARD provides financial assistance through various schemes and programs such as rural infrastructure development, watershed development, rural entrepreneurship, agricultural marketing, and farm credit support. It also offers technical assistance, training, and capacity-building programs to farmers, rural entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders.

The organization plays a crucial role in promoting inclusive and sustainable rural development in India by ensuring adequate credit flow, enhancing agricultural productivity, and improving rural infrastructure.

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