Any turn towards justice is based on increasing the agency of the people most closely impacted by an issue.
Griff Green
Our failure to coordinate around public goods
- Taxes and donations are the dominant funding steams for satisfying our collective wants and needs.
- We can create econmoic games that make collective value creation regenerative. Regenerative cryptoeconomis is Abundance Economics.
Abbey Titcomb
- Global coordination problems.
Glen Weyl
- As they can only organise scale through monopoly.
- Today's world has global interconnections and local communities.
- Cryptoeconomics is multi disciplinary
- Industrial and Systems Engineering.
- AI Opotimisaiotn and control theory.
- Computer Science and cryptography.
- Psychology and decision science.
- Political science and governance.
- Philosophy, law and ethics.
- Economics and game theory
- Operations reasearch and management science.