I love JavaScript and there are multiple reasons for that. Recently in a one-on-one call with Sanchita from Grofers she asked me why do I like JavaScript so much. That got me thinking and probably it is not that I love Java script it is just that I admire its utility and commonality a lot.
you can use JavaScript in the browser we can use JavaScript in the server we can use JavaScript in database we can use JavaScript for querying. We can use javascript for local stoarge. we can use javascript as json for transmission. so javascript is ubiquitous.
My blogs on Javascript
- Hackernoon
- Understanding Promises - https://hackernoon.com/understanding-promises-in-javascript-13d99df067c1
- Understanding async-await - https://hackernoon.com/understanding-async-await-in-javascript-1d81bb079b2c
- Should i Use promises or async-await - https://hackernoon.com/should-i-use-promises-or-async-await-126ab5c98789
- Understanding Functional Components - https://hackernoon.com/understanding-functional-components-895321b1af84
- Medium
- Understanding Promises - https://betterprogramming.pub/understanding-promises-in-javascript-13d99df067c1?sk=88b1e89170e07ef138153726336d21b0
- Understand async away - https://betterprogramming.pub/understanding-async-await-in-javascript-1d81bb079b2c?sk=b168a56e2f40c794affd449093a3930c
- Promises or async-wait - https://betterprogramming.pub/should-i-use-promises-or-async-await-126ab5c98789?sk=df03542b9b2ac50c6ef94700633e41d3
- Steemit
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