Every once in a while you should get lost to find yourself. Getting lost is a good feeling and helps you with Self awareness too.
When you get lost in time, you figure out what you enjoy doing.
When your get lost in space, your explorer instincts gets triggered. It will help you figure out how much you are prepared. How much you know your terrain. How close your map is to the required representation of the terrain along a vector that helps you in real life. Maps can never be and should never be same as the terrain. In this case map should be good enough for you to explore and navigate.
So get lost in space time continuum. But in today's world I think getting lost in time is more frequent.
We should start thinking about getting lost in space more often. What do we do when we don't have control. What do we do when we are not in control of things. These will be important things to figure out to know more about ourselves. Note to self