6 year old answer

These are notes from my experiences and might vary from what others experience. I predominantly use LAMP stack and have considered the same in my suggestions.

Thumb rules for caching that I generally follow.

  1. Process Once Use Multiple Times.
  2. Live with stale data when possible
  3. Clear Caches infrequently and keep it very specific.
  4. When possible do the changes at the lowest level in the stack. LAMP - DCCc : Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP, Drupal Core, Contrib and custom module.

Improve Performance of a Drupal Site (In the increasing order of complexity)

  1. Keep the core updated, contrib module and themes updated. Yes it matters.
  2. Install APC on your server. (Moved to top based on suggestion from Letharion)
  3. Page Caching : admin/config/development/performance Difference between Minimum cache lifetime and Expiration of cached pages
  4. Block Caching Caching options for all the blocks.
  5. Aggregate javascript and css files - Front End Improvements
  6. Disable Unnecessary modules. Every module adds to the amount of code that needs to be available for a page load. And it also increases the number of lookups. Wherver possible use a generic module in place of multiple module that does specific functionalities.
  7. Cache Views content - Content aware caching for Views
  8. Disable DB logging - Use
  9. Reduce 404 Errors -
  10. Fast 404 Responses - - Try handling at server level.
  11. Client Side Validations -
  12. Compress Image -
  13. Lazy Loading of Images - Don’t load unnecessary images -
  14. Use Sprite Sheets -
  15. Set Minimum Cache Life Time Value to a higher number and use cache clearing modules to clear the caches for specific pages - Whenever I edit/update a node all the page caches for anonymous user are lost
  16. Use Devel Module to watch queries.
  17. Rewrite Views Queries / avoid Views if its a overkill.
  18. XHProf -
  19. FPM, HHVM.
  20. DB Profiling and Tuning -
  21. Use Boost, don't Bootstrap DB if not required. For most of the small to medium sites Boost is good enough and you may not need Reverse Proxies or so.
  22. Use CDNs - Its easy to set up.
  23. If your cache tables are huge use Memcached - If you can install memcached and set up RAM for it, it is not as complex as it sounds.
  24. Etags - Configure Etags properly.
  25. Use Reverse Proxy Server - Varnish(at-least for assets). Helps a lot if most of your users are anonymous.
  26. Compressed transfer - Enable gzip compression
  27. Keep Alive - Use Persistent Connections where possible.
  28. Progressive JPEGS -
  29. CACHING IN CODE - Eaton’s blog is awesome.
  30. Implement Cache Warming - - Cache Warm the pages before the end user hits them.
  31. Master Slave DB Config - makes it easier for you to set up one.
  32. Database Clusters -
  33. Load Balancers -
  34. Use heuristic Cache Warming -
  35. Authenticated User Caching -

    All notes