1. Open Data Telangana AMC
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jD03ZWao3PF4ZVhSHu-9ka_gVzz2MRI1kh_klYVmg68/edit#gid=1425037697
  2. Open Data - Phase 3
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jD03ZWao3PF4ZVhSHu-9ka_gVzz2MRI1kh_klYVmg68/edit#gid=1425037697
  3. Gang Wisdom
    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGVgLdQhYigiVbfB1v2D5AUAJ_rNrBIr2j1sViU8bm8/edit#heading=h.c40lkbdch01i


  1. scale will be a problem
  2. coming to the platform
  3. newsgaurd
    1. western media
  4. motivation
  5. provide as a solution to a social media platform
  6. democraitising information - shortnew apps
    1. in short
    2. publik
    3. rateanews
    4. newshunt


  1. FCRA
  2. Nilekani foundation
  3. Tatas

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