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  1. Drake Equation
  2. Dark Forest
  3. Grabby Alien
  4. Abiogenesis
    1. non life to life in the lab
  5. structure implies function
  6. political truths versus technical truths
  7. people had traded upside for stability
  8. explore, pioneer, wander, innovate
  9. your brain is working and you are problem solving
  10. heat versus work - second law of thermodynamics
  11. Twitter, Facebook, reddit, discourse, slack
  12. privacy over kyc, you can't collect what you can't secure
  13. exit is the anti genocide technology
  14. exit, voice and loyalty
  15. how do you configure your usa experience
  16. internet increases variance
  17. man camps, fracking
  18. references
    1. snow crash
    2. a Jewish state
  19. we are physical beings, we need physical space
  20. fiat martketcap
  21. population, annual income and real estate
  22. Wikipedia reliable sources
  23. disagreement reveals some profound wisdom
  24. graphs on trust in mainstream media
  25. i am too under informed to provide the level of defense i would like to
  26. how to optimally size your bets
  27. there is a pride to getting then right
  28. idea for truth finding
  29. independent replication versus prestigious citations
  30. reproducible research
  31. composable science
  32. trust because you can verify
  33. academia is institutional and not innovative
  34. @fchollet
  35. reputation and power
  36. defacto nationalisation of the industry using regulation
  37. catchy phrasing of ideas makes them even more powerful
  38. every law is backed by force
  39. credentials from the old word but building the new world
  40. the measured man
  41. in the context of game, yes they are cheating. but in the context of life you want to cheat death
  42. instead of arguing from authority, you can argue from experience
  43. 1950 peak centralisation curve
  44. in one generation ideology becomes biology
  45. MAD - mutually assured destruction
  46. WMD - weapons of mass destruction
  47. communists don't understand self interest, nationalists don't understand other's interest
  48. convert moral authority to economic authority
  49. red versus blue
  50. orange versus green
  51. willing to argue on internet in English
  52. self consistent civilisation
  53. crypto is everybody else
  54. global state of the cloud, local permission controlled by your private key
  55. it is a better primitive tu base it on
  56. no recourse, deplatformed, unpersonned
  57. centralisation is inherently unrepresented
  58. wokeness is used to make money and money is used to further the ideology
  59. full stack engineer and full stack creator
  60. full stack engineer
    1. computer science and statistics
    2. physics and continuous math
  61. tech versus media
    1. now it is centralised versus decentralised
  62. if you don't tell your own story, it will be told for you
  63. peaceful alternatives to all legacy institutions
    1. fed
    2. fda
    3. academia
    4. media
    5. fiat
    6. government
  64. digital bill of rights

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