The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC)

  1. you need reasoning when there is an explicit knowledge gap
  2. reasoning is knowledge acquisition
  3. if you can broadly expand your horizons from a few examples, normalised by the amount of priors and experiences you have, then its intelligence
  4. human intelligence is non computable?
  5. the basic formalism is non computable
  6. generalisation efficiency or knowledge acquisition efficiency
  7. statistical or perceptual shortcuts
  8. sparse problem
  9. bongard problems
  10. core knowledge and combinations of the same
    1. objectness priors
    2. goal-directness priors
  11. domain specific language
    1. unary functions on grid
  12. patterns
    1. symmetry
    2. movement
    3. denoising
  13. hamming distance
  14. dreamcoder by Kevin Ellis
  15. functional type system
    1. valid syntax and valid typed syntax
    2. cut down the space of possible programs to be generated
  16. in natural world simple things seem to generalise and work much better than complex things
  17. repository of crystallized intelligence
  18. fluid intelligence
  19. type 1 and type 2 problems
    1. system 1 and system 2
  20. brittleness of LLMs
  21. representation space
  22. will acquisition efficiency
  23. reasoning is a search problem
  24. perceptual problems with infinite possibilities
  25. building a library of core knowledge and then classify the problem of objective and then do a search for the same
  26. skill templates and generalising well
  27. llm wide range shallow generalisation
  28. symbolic representation narrow but deep
  29. generate data to run more fundamental experiments
  30. what is active inference?
  31. universal Transformers
  32. algorithmic learning
  33. self attention
  34. cross attention
  35. discover the weakness of the model and then see how you can mitigate it using synthetic data?
  36. inductive priors
  37. discrete program search
  38. flexible search
  39. measure of intelligence
  40. cognitive resolution
  41. you need priors to learn
  42. generalisation must be normalised by price and experience
  43. cognition
  44. the solutions in kaggle didn't generalise outside the instance of the problem
  45. ingenious creativity in the moment



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