So many times I felt what if I could get a peek into the brains of people I admire do much.

So many times in used to think that guys are so smart, why are they not writing more? Why are they not giving others a peek into their brain.

I think I am a 75 percentiler in many things I am curious about. Don't listen to the bullshit that advises you not to compare. I think that is the worst Advice people dole out. If you don't compare yourself hour will you know whom to learn from and whom to teach?? That is the only way to raising the consciousness of humanity

So I wanted to be a Prolific writer. I chose medium for my writing. I did write. But it was very restricting. The integration between desktop and mobile was screwed up. There was no good option to interlink. There was too much cognitive overload. So I wanted to get the basics right. I asked myself What is the core of this problem.

The answers were

  1. I needed better way to capture my thought.
  2. Connect my thoughts.
  3. Capture them as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort.
  4. I wanted it to be device independent.
  5. I wanted to share my thoughts with others easily. Searchable.
  6. I should be able to publish regularly in an automated fashion.
  7. I wanted my workflows to be as smooth as possible and as configurable as possible.
  8. I have written and published decent amount of content and insights with so many restrictions, so if I get this right I will be able to do much more with less.

That is why I proclaim this as Most important project I am working on and it will help me become self aware



  1. - Some of the links are not working. Goping to about tab
  2. Self link : obsidian://open?vault=personal-notes&file=A%20peek%20into%20my%20brain%20-%20My%20Mind%20Map
  3. Make a list of notes based on recent changes - Created a page for the same.
  4. Finish the filter function. This will be common function for filtering out private notes, etc.
  5. Ability to sort next.
  6. Understand the difference between Brain and Mind thoroughly.
  7. Add a section for backlinks
  8. Add title to the notes detailed pages.
  9. Add SEO features
  10. Link performance
  11. Integrate algolia search
  12. Link previews like in Wikipedia and Obsidian help.
  13. Add font matter using which we can decide whether to publish a note or not.
  14. Add revue embed in gatsby
  15. Tweet from My Mind Map
  16. Font matter setting to see whether to list or not.
    1. During the notes listing phase check if it has font matter and has the attribute no list then don't list.
    2. Can I do a light weight authenticated section on the page?
  17. Run a cronjob for auto builds at nights.
  18. Trigger build from mobile
    1. The Dropbox folder should be able to sync to a remote machine
  19. Better way to connect tags from LP and this
  20. See if I can move or rename files without breaking things - Only external links will break.
    1. For example will break, as I changed the title of this file to include min map
  21. Add search in 404
  22. Show the graph of current page.
  23. Run scripts within obsidian to create lists.
  24. Dynamic generation of content based on a variable across notes
    1. In future I should be able to show the TLDR blocks of all the notes th

Completed Activities

  1. Find a good name
    1. The digital garden is limited in the scope it conveyes. I need a better name.
    2. In some other note organically reached the name My Mind Map
  2. Fixed 404
  3. Make sure links work after the build and is pushed to - This is working
  4. Add a message about I will be filling up this page. If you want me to write on this tweet me at @gokulnk -
  5. Can we use variables in obsidian?
    1. There is support for this.

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