2x2 maker
- X axis two texts to be entered.
- Y axis two texts to be entered.
- Each of the quadrants the combination text to be visible. These texts are clickable. Takes them to the text section at the bottom.
- For each XY combination, text can be added.
- Similarly for each of the text section a new field can be added. Show option of showing these fields in the sections. Any time only one can be selected. The list of fields can be
- Name(Combination of X and Y value)
- Impact
- Resolution
- How to fix or What to do
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eL-eGdozbQLyuvs4PxyuTZsbQf1zPpOo_qSZqXxX9F4/edit#gid=0
- Visual Details - https://twitter.com/gokulnk/status/1604836410007367680
- top right is the most preferrable quadrant
- A basic version of this has been already provided by https://www.linkedin.com/in/karthick-selvam-16162923/
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