2x2 matrix for understanding

2x2 maker

  1. X axis two texts to be entered.
  2. Y axis two texts to be entered.
  3. Each of the quadrants the combination text to be visible. These texts are clickable. Takes them to the text section at the bottom.
  4. For each XY combination, text can be added.
  5. Similarly for each of the text section a new field can be added. Show option of showing these fields in the sections. Any time only one can be selected. The list of fields can be
    1. Name(Combination of X and Y value)
    2. Impact
    3. Resolution
    4. How to fix or What to do
  6. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eL-eGdozbQLyuvs4PxyuTZsbQf1zPpOo_qSZqXxX9F4/edit#gid=0
  7. Visual Details - https://twitter.com/gokulnk/status/1604836410007367680
  8. top right is the most preferrable quadrant


  1. A basic version of this has been already provided by https://www.linkedin.com/in/karthick-selvam-16162923/

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